The procurement of our Super Trac TRE-52 Powered Stair Climber has been proven to be…

Evaccess saved the day for a bride to be
The wedding went well and the brides mother loved the TRE 52 and used it many times during the event. This scenario does beg the question that we may have standard downward evacuation chairs on site but what do we do for those who really should remain in their wheelchairs and can be safely evacuate upwards as well as downwards? It also proves a point that if the lift is out of action and you need other means, then you need other means for an emergency. Evaccess are available to cover all access and egress issues and give dignified and safe options.
The Case
EVACCESS SAVED the day for a bride to be after providing an innovative solution that allowed the mother of the bride to attend the wedding after a lift had broken down.
What we found
Evaccess received a call from a large prestigious hotel chain that a lift had broken down and was not repairable in a short space of time. This meant that the bride’s mother would have been unable to attend the event as she is a wheelchair user and no other access was available without a working lift.
Our solution
The firm delivered the TRE 52 powered stair climber to the venue and trained staff to use it. TRE 52 is a portable powered wheel chair evacuation platform and stair climber. It’s unique design carries many types of wheel chairs including powered wheel chairs.
What we used
Super Trac TRE-52 Powered Stair Climber
Portable powered wheelchair evacuation platform and stair climber. Carries manual and powered wheelchairs.