Our experienced engineers will service any evacuation and access equipment you have. We provide a thorough inspection and service for both manual and powered evac chairs and stairclimbers.
Experienced Engineers
Evaccess is recognised as having the industries foremost standard of engineers. Our experienced engineers are competent to service any evacuation and access equipment that you have. We provide CERTIFICATED inspection and service in line with Manufacturers Guidelines, PUWER, LOLER, European Community Law, etc. For both manual & powered evacuation chairs and stairclimbers.
Any Equipment
We will service any evacuation and access equipment, not just our own. Manual, powered, evacuation chairs or stair climbers, we do it all.
Best Practice Tips
To get the most out of your equipment, make sure you use it regularly, this helps prolong the life of the battery, and maintains competence and confidence for the user.
Annual servicing
All equipment needs an annual service, to make sure it’s fit for purpose. We provide this service and check if you’re up to date.
Evacuation run a unique electronic certification and tagging system for annual PPM and maintenance inspection

How we can help you
Enquire for further advice
Evacuation & access equipment can be confusing and often options are not clearly explained. With our wealth of solutions and experience we provide expert advice for your situation.
Individuals needs, size and types of stairs and landings. Are you going up and down? There are options to allow wheelchair users to remain in their wheelchairs and for those who can transfer. Choose the correct unit for your situation. One design does not fit all.