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Is your free fire evacuation site survey worth the paper it’s written on?
Is your free site survey worth the paper it’s written on? Many companies that offer a free site survey will try to sell you their own products.
When it comes to Evacuation Chair solutions, companies who offer a free site survey have no concept of evacuating a wheelchair user in their own chair. Most of the time they will try and push their own products and services, regardless of whether they are the right fit.
Understanding the fabric of the staircases and the building routes for people in wheelchairs is vital. Especially so for anyone involved in the movement of people with reduced mobility.
Do companies offering free site surveys really understand the concept of the wheelchair user’s needs?
Some organisations will only offer standard self-transfer Evacuation Chairs because they have no option or maybe a lack of knowledge of what other products are available. It is easier to offer something cheaper than something that’s right!
Have these companies offering free site surveys the ability to bring in expert advice from fire engineer experts? Those involved in fire evacuation of mobility impaired people? RIBA architects who specialise in Fire Evacuation Building Design for disabled individuals? This is vital when more expert knowledge is required rather than just supplying a standard evacuation chair.
We all have choices, we can all tick a box and buy a well-known brand of evacuation chair. A wheelchair user won’t thank you for leaving their powered wheelchair behind and possibly cause them physical injury!
When it comes to Fire evacuation site surveys, why not call the Worlds Number 1 Evacuation Chair site survey Experts, EVACCESS.UK. From top to bottom, the true Evacuation site survey people.